National Assembly Jobs 2024 Islamabad

Mehboob Ahmad

The National Assembly of Pakistan located in Islamabad has a wide range of career opportunities and jobs openings anticipated in 2024. As the lower house of parliament, the Assembly will have new positions across various departments and functions.

Background on National Assembly

The National Assembly is the sovereign legislative body that represents the will of the people of Pakistan. It currently has a total of 342 members directly elected by citizens in constituency races across the country.

The Assembly addresses issues of national importance and makes laws for the nation. It also approves the federal budget and plays a role in foreign policy, electing the President, and providing oversight of the executive government.

The Secretariat of the National Assembly is the bureaucratic arm that handles day-to-day administrative affairs and implements policies. The Secretariat will have most of the job openings in 2024.

Why Jobs are Opening in the Assembly

Some key reasons new positions are expected in the National Assembly next year include:

  • Retirements and turnover creating vacancies
  • Need for qualified staff as oversight demands grow
  • Building expertise in emerging policy areas
  • Expanding committees examining new legislation
  • Leveraging technology for operations and outreach
  • Increasing research and language capabilities

Many retiring civil servants will need to be replaced in the coming year. The Assembly is also enhancing capacity as it takes on more oversight of massive development projects underway through China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) financing.

Modernization efforts require talents with technical skills as well. The Secretariat will need to scale up staff in 2024 to fulfill all its constitutional duties effectively.

Expected Civil Service Jobs

The major civil service jobs anticipated at the National Assembly in 2024 cover diverse professional fields:

Legislative Research

Specialists to research issues, draft bills, analyze legislation, and support committees/lawmakers in formulating laws.

Committee Oversight

Expert consultants to provide background research and reporting to the Assembly’s standing committees monitoring government activities.

Language Translation

Skilled translators to convert documents and speeches into Pakistan’s official languages – especially Urdu, English and regional tongues for dissemination.

Information Technology

IT experts to manage digital infrastructure, online services, databases, networks, websites and portals for secure and efficient operations.

Finance & Accounts

Qualified accountants and auditors needed to track budgets, process expenses, handle payroll and entitlements, monitor assets and maintain financial transparency.

Human Resources

HR professionals required for recruiting, hiring, training, performance management, and ensuring a motivated, high-quality workforce across the Secretariat.

Media & Communications

Specialists in public relations, media engagement, and effective communications to disseminate news and information to citizens and stakeholders.

Administrative Support

Assistants, clerks, receptionists, drivers, maintenance crews, cafeteria staff and other positions required to facilitate daily functions.

Competitive Salaries & Benefits Offered

As civil service jobs, the National Assembly positions offer attractive pay scales, allowances, pensions and job security. The competitive benefits include:

  • Salaries benchmarked to government pay grades from Grade 17 to 22.
  • Medical insurance for employees and entitled family members.
  • Generous paid leave allocations per year.
  • Retirement pensions and provident fund payments.
  • Official transport and driver pool access.
  • Opportunities for foreign assignments and travel.
  • Training programs for skills development.

Salaries for top government grade levels reach over 150,000 PKR per month, supplemented by allowances and privileges. Assembly jobs provide stable careers with rooms for promotion over time.

Qualification Criteria

Applicants for National Assembly Secretariat jobs need to meet certain education and experience criteria related to vacant positions:

  • Relevant university degree – Bachelor’s minimum; Master’s preferred for senior roles. Technical fields valued.
  • Prior professional work in a related area. Policy and legislative experience is a plus.
  • For IT roles, certifications in systems, networks and programming are required.
  • English language fluency. Regional language abilities advantageous.
  • Public sector background is favored but private experience may substitute.

The ideal candidates have a mix of educational qualifications, relevant skills, and practical experience for vacant roles. Competitive screening processes will be used to select top applicants.

How to Apply for Positions

Job announcements for National Assembly openings in 2024 will be released in leading Pakistani newspapers, on the National Assembly website, and through the Federal Public Service Commission job portal.

Interested applicants should submit:

  • A detailed CV highlighting relevant background, qualifications and experience.
  • Copies of academic degrees and transcripts.
  • Any required language or skill certifications.
  • Formal application on prescribed form if required.

The hiring process may include written tests, interviews, and qualifying examinations before final selection and appointment. Those with matching profiles should actively apply when positions are advertised next year.

The National Assembly of Pakistan Secretariat offers stimulating and meaningful career opportunities at the heart of the nation’s governance. Qualified professionals with dedication and ethics are encouraged to consider vital civil service roles supporting this important institution in 2024 and beyond.

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